On December 11, 2024, in Noordwijk, The Netherlands, Dr. Ismael Colomina from Geonumerics presented a paper entitled “High-Accuracy Galileo-based Autonomous Mobile Mapping System” at the NAVITEC 2024 conference.
NAVITEC is an ESA (European Space Agency) workshop on Satellite Navigation Technologies. The 2024 edition took place at ESTEC (European Space Research and Technology Centre) in Noordwijk, The Netherlands. The event brings together experts in satellite navigation to discuss the latest advances and challenges in the field.
The GAMMS project seeks to integrate autonomous vehicle (AV), navigation/geodetic, and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies to create a mapping robot capable of acquiring geodata and generating HD maps automatically. These maps are crucial for autonomous vehicles, smart cities, augmented reality (AR) applications, and urban air mobility (UAM).
Dr. Colomina’s presentation highlighted the project’s components, the sensor fusion approach for navigation, and the results of a recent test campaign. GAMMS uses geodetic-grade multi-constellation GNSS receivers, high-end IMUs, and professional cameras and laser scanners. The navigation approach aims to be as autonomous as possible and resilient to outdated high-definition maps. Sensor fusion uses a robust iterative non-linear least-squares sequential estimator. The project also explores Galileo differentiators such as E5 AltBOC, HAS, OSNMA, and CAS/SAS assessment.
Participation in NAVITEC 2024 has been an excellent opportunity to disseminate GAMMS’ progress and connect with experts in satellite navigation.
Dr. Ismael Colomina is the Chief Executive and Chief Scientist of GeoNumerics and GAMMS coordinator. He has extensive experience in the field of geomatics and has participated in and coordinated numerous R&D projects at the Catalan, Spanish, European, and international levels.