The GAMMS project alongside eight other H2020 projects, presented its research findings during the poster session at the Harmony H2020 project final conference “Next Generation of Transport Planning Tools” on February 24th, 2023, in Barcelona at UAB Casa Convalescencia. The event brought together researchers, industry professionals, and policymakers to discuss the latest developments and advancements in the field of transportation planning.
GAMMS´ objective is to develop an autonomous terrestrial mobile mapping system (AMMS), based on the tight integration of autonomous vehicle (AV), navigation/geodetic, and artificial intelligence (AI) technologies.

Poster Session
The Poster Session during the conference was an excellent opportunity to share experiences, challenges and success cases with several EU-funded projects taking part. The poster session included projects such as AWARD, Spine, ESRIUM, GAMMS, 5G Routes, Move2CCAM, SELFY, Frontier, and Tangent. Each project had a poster display showcasing their research findings and innovative solutions. Participants had the opportunity to engage with project teams and learn more about their work.

Poster session – Gamms and Esrium Projects

Harmony Final Conference Reception

Networking and Cocktail Party

Networking and Cocktail Party

Networking and Cocktail Party

Networking and Cocktail Party
To get a closer insight into the Harmony Final Conference please read Final Conference #HarmonyH2020: overview (